Write For us

Do you have an experience, a story, or information you want to share with the world? Or we can supply you with a story or article to write.

We welcome you to apply to be a contract writer or to submit a guest post to our websites. For guest posts, you will be properly credited and do-follow linked! We can also give you a nice blurb at the end of your post about your book, blog, business, or whatever else you are about. Contract writers for our articles are paid on a per-world basis.

Categories we value above all others: riding experiences | riding techniques | motorcycle reviews | apparel and helmets | repair and maintenance | racing and track days | travel adventures | tuning and performance tips | motorcycle culture and lifestyle.

We prefer long-form and will generally consider any imaginable format if it expresses something of interest to our readers.

Contract writer article guidelines

  1. The work cannot be published elsewhere. It will be checked with Copyscape.
  2. The writer must be versed in English and able to express accurately and in detail the information we need to be presented in the article or blog. something interesting.

Guest post guidelines

  1. The work cannot be published elsewhere. It will be checked with Copyscape.
  2. No boring or bland stuff already covered in many other articles. The writer must be versed in English and able to express something interesting. You can write about something everyone else already talks about but try to approach it in a new way.
  3. Each contributed guest post may have 2 do-follow links in addition to any relevant authority links (Wikipedia, source citations, etc).
  4. The work cannot be published elsewhere. It will be checked with Copyscape.

So how about it? Send an email for a chat, or call. We prefer to have an idea of the story first but there is already a written article, we will consider it.


Important – You must mark the subject line with “contract writer or “guest post,” as we get many emails.